In the Define Stage, I outlined the learners, the place of use, the learning objectives, and the mode of play using the Problem Space template.
For the learning objectives, I referenced the Ohio Science Standards (2022). Building on the Seasons project, I selected two key concepts: Earth's Rotation & Revolution for fifth graders and Causes of Seasons for seventh graders, thus identifying our target age groups.
Grade 5: Earth's Rotation & Revolution
Most of the cycles and patterns of motion between the Earth and sun are predictable.
Earth’s revolution around the sun takes approximately 365 days. Earth completes one rotation on its axis in a 24-hour period, producing day and night. This rotation makes the sun, stars and moon appear to change position in the sky. Note: Moon phases should not be the focus.
Grade 7: Causes of the Seasons
The relative positions of Earth and the sun cause patterns we call seasons.
Earth’s axis is tilted at an angle of 23.5°. This tilt along with Earth’s revolution around the sun, affects the amount of direct sunlight that the earth receives in a single day and throughout the year. The average daily temperature is related to the amount of direct sunlight received.
I chose home as the place of learning to explore the design in a small-scale, familiar environment. Recognizing the importance of social interaction in embodied learning, I incorporated modes of play that include both individual and collaborative play. This includes children playing individually and an additional layer of kid-parent collaborative play to leverage the potential of social learning.
● For this project, I only defined the age groups of the learners. To gain better insights into their abilities, preferences, and needs, designers can conduct user research by collaborating with educators and engaging directly with the end users.
● Learning objective is different from learning concept itself. To clarify and better define the learning objectives, I referred to Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom’s Taxonomy proved to be an effective tool for designers to approach learning design systematically, and I will include it in my framework. Designers can also collaborate with educators for this part.
In the Develop stage, I utilized the four tools (Solution Map, System Diagram, Storyboard, and Prototyping) to generate and refine embodied learning solutions that align with the learning objectives and address the needs and requirements of the learners and the place of use defined in the Problem Space.
I began by filling in and mapping out design considerations through the Solution Map. I outlined three learning activities for the three chosen learning concepts: Earth's Rotation, Earth’s Revolution and Causes of Seasons. Each learning activity consists of physical embodiment task(s) for learners to physically experience the knowledge concept and imagined embodiment task(s) for them to internalize the knowledge by solving a question. By using this Solution Map, I developed a more systematic and logistic flow to make design decisions for embodied learning solutions.
● Overall, I think the Solution Map helps designers to think about design considerations for embodied learning solutions in a systematic and logical manner. It may seem overwhelming when used for the first time; however, after completing a cycle and understanding the internal relationships between different design considerations, the process becomes clear and smooth.
● The design considerations and concepts related to embodied learning are helpful but can be challenging to understand. To facilitate designers in understanding and using this tool, I will provide the Sun & Earth project as an example. Additionally, I will include a reference page for designers so they can refer to the important terms and concepts when needed.
● When mapping out the media part in the Solution Map, I began to make some sketches for the media design. This was helpful in conceptualizing the media and served as a draft for the next step, the System Diagram.
After mapping out the design considerations in the Solution map, I had a preliminary idea of the main components for the media system. Using the system diagram, I further designed and visualized the media system through words and sketches, deciding the forms and appearances of different components, their spatial layout, key user scenarios, and technologies to support the system.
The most challenging part of this step is figuring out and choosing the appropriate technologies to support the media system. The technology options can significantly impact the media design. To get professional technical advice, designers can collaborate with technologists for this step.
Rotation of the Earth - Task 1
Rotation of the Earth - Task 2
Revolution of the Earth - Task 1
Revolution of the Earth - Task 2
Using the Storyboard, I put myself in the learner’s viewpoint, thinking about and planning how learners will go through this learning experience. What will they see and hear? How will they think and react? This approach helped me consider every detail of the experience and identify areas that lacked design, especially for instructions and prompts, which are often overlooked by designers when creating media systems. For the sake of time, I created storyboards for the first two activities: Earth’s Rotation and Earth’s Revolution. Each activity has two learning tasks.
Storyboard is a helpful tool for designers to conceptualize learning experience from the users’ perspective and further develop and refine the media design. However, creating detailed storyboards can be time-consuming due to the numerous steps involved. To streamline this process, design teams might consider using props or constructing low-fidelity prototypes to enact the scenarios, which can be an efficient alternative to drawing detailed storyboards.
In the final step of the Develop stage, I built high-fidelity prototypes for the designed media system, which consists of two main parts: the physical toy set (including the Sun, the Earth, and the map) and the software (including interactive animations and instructions). The physical toys were first 3D modeled in Rhino. The Sun and Earth models were 3D printed and embedded with electronic components. The map was handmade with felt cloth and also integrated with electronics. For the software, the interactive animations were coded using p5.js and embedded in an HTML file along with the instructions for guiding the learning experience. This round of prototyping included three learning activities: one focused on Earth’s rotation and two on Earth’s revolution.
3D modeling in Rhino
● Sun Model
The Sun model contains an LED string for illumination, powered by a battery box. The light is controlled by twisting a ring in the middle of the Sun model. The body is 3D printed with transparent red resin to allow light transmission. The stand is printed with conductive PLA to detect contact with capacitive touch points on the map.
3D printed parts and Led string lights
LED string lights stuck in the Sun body
Sun model with light off
Twisting the middle ring to turn the light on
● Earth Model
The Earth model includes a microcontroller with a rotary encoder to detect its rotation around the axis. The body is 3D printed with transparent blue resin, and the green areas are painted with acrylic paint. The stand is also made from conductive PLA. To encourage learners’ action of rotating the Earth body, a key is attached to the top of the Earth model.
Technical Reference:
* Overview | BLE Volume Knob with CircuitPython | Adafruit Learning System
* Overview | Rotary Encoder in CircuitPython | Adafruit Learning System
* CircuitPython HID Keyboard | Adafruit Circuit Playground Bluefruit | Adafruit Learning System
3D printed parts
Painting the globe with acrylic paint
Assembling process 1
Assembling process 2
Assembled Earth model
● Map
The map consists of three felt layers. Sewn with designed patterns, the upper later shows the Sun’s position and the Earth’s orbit. The middle layer is sewn with a microcontroller and a 12-point capacitive touch sensor using conductive string. The 12 evenly separated points on the Earth’s orbit in the middle layer are connected to the capacitive touch sensor and correspond to the 12 points on the Earth’s orbit of the upper layer. The bottom layer is a felt cover to protect the electronics.
Technical reference:
* CircuitPython HID Keyboard and Mouse | CircuitPython Essentials | Adafruit Learning System
Capacitive touch sensor testing
Middle layer with electronics
Upper layer planning process
Final map with USB output
● Activity 1: An interactive animation of a day passing, controlled by the rotation of the physical Earth model.
See the P5.js edit file for this activity (Use keycodes X and C to control)
● Activity 2: An interactive animation of a year passing, controlled by the revolution of the physical Earth along its orbit on the map.
See the P5.js edit file for this activity (Use keycodes Q, W, E, R, T, Y, H, G, F, D, S, A)
● Activity 3: An activity where a participant’s right hand controls the digital Earth's revolution and the changing of time on the screen. The participant will control this revolution with hand and arm to navigate to a specified year. For this activity, the PoseNet model is used for motion tracking with a camera input.
See the P5.js edit file for this activity (This file does not now since the PoseNet model is no longer available. It's updated to BodyPose.)
● HTML File
A local website written in HTML hosts all digital materials, including instructions and the three learning activities.
For this project, I built a high-fidelity prototype for the media system to provide a more holistic learning experience as the final outcome. While the result was satisfactory, I felt there was a lack of exploration of different design possibilities. Additionally, some effects were not realized due to the limitations of the technologies I used. For example, in the third activity, "Time Machine," we hoped to have two participants whose gestures could be recognized and tracked together, but this was challenging to achieve with the current PoseNet model. To avoid being constrained by technologies at this early stage and to focus more on the desired learning experience and media design, designers should consider starting with low-fidelity prototypes. These prototypes are less time-consuming and more flexible, allowing for iterative improvements. Once the design is more defined, high-fidelity prototypes can be developed in collaboration with designers and technologists to ensure functionality and effectiveness.
Through pilot testing and my own reflections on the design, I evaluated this round of prototypes from two perspectives – learning outcome and embodiment – using the Evaluation Tool.
1. Clear Learning Goal (5): Each activity is based on clear learning content and objective.
2. Matching Learning Content (4): The learning content matches the knowledge concepts, though more elements can be added. For instance, adding more visual and sound elements to depict seasonal change and using 3D models instead of 2D images of the digital Sun and Earth to better show their movements in a 3D space.
3. Meaningful Interaction (5): The designed actions and interactions are congruent with the learning concepts, helping learners make sense of the knowledge.
4. Perception-Action-Reflection (5): Multiple tasks are provided for learners to experience and knowledge and reflect on their behaviors by solving questions.
5. Instruction & Prompt (3): Participants struggled to follow the activities smoothly. For this round of prototypes, participants read through all the instructions for the learning activities first, then proceeded to the activity session. Despite having only a few steps, participants found it challenging to remember and follow all the instructions. Instructions should be given step-by-step, with each correct step triggering the next, to guide participants more effectively through the experience.
1. Multisensory Experience (4): Some sound effects were provided, but they were limited. More sound elements will be included in future prototypes.
2. Body Movement (5): The learning experience encourages hand and arm movements. Future work can also explore whole-body movements, such as simulating the Earth's axis angle by bending the body. Designers can also test user’s acceptance and preference about different kinds of body movements for the same learning objective.
3. Social Interaction (2): The activity currently supports only one participant due to technological limitations. Other technical options will be explored to enable collaborative play and learning.
4. Emotional Engagement (4): Participants were generally excited when interacting with the materials, but the experience could be made more engaging with rewards, surprises, or free exploration elements.
During informal observations, I noticed that the Sun and Earth models were not intuitive enough to use. Some participants found it difficult to twist the ring of the Sun to turn on the light. Additionally, while the key is designed to rotate the Earth body around its axis, some participants held the body steady while twisting the key, which is not correct. Thus, the industrial design needs further refinement.
This evaluation tool provides a valuable guideline for assessing design concepts for embodied learning solutions. Using this tool, designers can identify areas needing improvement to enhance the level of embodiment and learning outcomes for the learning experience. Designers can also use it for self-checking during project development. However, for this project, the scores for each criterion are based on my individual opinion and, therefore, do not hold much reference value. Future research can explore ways to gather users’ input to obtain average scores. Additionally, setting detailed descriptions for each score could help standardize scoring and yield more accurate feedback, which have been added now. Moreover, many other aspects of design deserve feedback during the deliver stage, such as usability and aesthetics, which are not emphasized in this evaluation tool. This tool focuses primarily on embodiment and learning outcomes. In further research, we will conduct comprehensive user testing sessions and explore processes and tools for a more holistic evaluation.